Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hell's Canyon

The rain arrives in pebbles
it pools as mercury, gathers
in mud runs in mud
where even the Snake is sunk.

Rain in rivers, torrents
spearheads, watersheds
in echoes within this tent,
gathers moisture in the switchbacks
loosens rainbows, shakes
the ponderosa pine,
drips upon a mariposa lilly.

1 comment:

  1. In the Quiraing
    an old man sang
    the dance of the whichwaythenoo
    But the rocks and the mist
    held their tryst
    in a silence as deep as time.

    Where the drip from a rock
    to another block rock,
    sounds like Thor in his forge.
    And the raven wings
    roar like his train
    In a brain already confused

    by the dizzy,
    above and below.
