On 23 May we drive out of the tree-clad west, and head eastwards along the great Columbia River, up over the arid high desert and through the Blue Mountains. Golden-barked ponderosa pine succeeds Douglas Fir. Our hearts rise as we see the snow-caps of the high Wallowas.

We take the small road to Enterprise. 6 years ago, when Becs was expecting Freya, we came here to explore, and we knew we would come back. One of the main reasons for returning is our friend Rick Bombaci, a lover of mountains and wild places, musician and poet-heart. And, we discover (to our relief and Freya and Kai's complete delight) he loves small children too.... It is great to see him again.

Becs spends a few days visiting Wallowa Resources Youth Stewardship Program, and Freya and Kai have a chance to take part in an outdoor field course for 10-12 year olds at beautiful Wallowa lake, which includes wilderness survival skills and learning from animals.
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