From Charleston, we head north again, up the coast route 101. It's good not to be rushed, as Becs' next appointment is not for a couple of days, up north in Tillamook. We climb dunes above a clear lake. We bide our time to find two of the most amazing camp spots so far. The first - we drive down an unmarked dirt track to find a trail through a pristine wetland whirring with warblers to dunes - and beyond the dunes ten miles of sand fringing a vast expanse of ocean. Freya thinks the tree snags are bones - and they are - the massive bones of long-dead giants. In the morning we all run and swim and

run until we are light with space. We take a very interesting day at Newport Aquarium and touch and see huge colourful sea creatures. The next night we come upon Whalen Island, a small sandy island covered in a jungle of lichen-hung trees and electric with copper-coloured hummingbirds. Our camp spot is next to two huge tree snags. We spend a whole afternoon fishing from the tiny bridge with shrimp as bait but catch only some small determined bullheads, over and over again, it seems.
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